The race of Sail Melbourne International of 2018 wraps up with the final day of races across the Olympic and the class fleets that had been invited. The race had been disrupted by the present weather system sitting over the east coast of Australia.

Will Ryan and Mat Belcher, the Olympic silver medalists from 2016 of Australian Sailing Team continued with their winning streak on the home water and have earned a victory in the 470 class at the Sail Melbourne. The pair has won. However, 1 race out of series of 7 race is ahead of the 2 boats from Japan with Kimihiko Imamura and Daichi Takayama in the second position while Naoya Kimura and Kazuto Doi in the third.
Belcher has stated that the racing had been quite close and also tricky as there had been some big challenges and shifts for the racing committee. Nonetheless, they have 2 firsts along with one third. He says that this has been a great competition. He has added that it is going to get closer and the pressure is going to increase with time. The training will increase and they are excited. According to him, everybody is looking forward to Tokyo. However, presently, he just wants to spend a little time with his family and wants to have a great Christmas.
The 470 fleets had been the most competitive fleets that comprised of sailors from 7 different countries and featured Nicolás Rodrigues Garcí-Paz and Jordi Xammar Hernandez, the Champions bronze medalists. They had finished 5th behind Phillip Autenrieth and Germans Simon Diesch in the 4th position.